If you would like any additional addresses to receive email updates please include them here.

The contact for a Rajant parnter/reseller is the name of the primary person whom your company talked with to purchase Rajant products.

  • If you are an end user of Rajant's products, please enter your reseller/partner's contact's name (or "unsure" if you do not know who this is).

  • If you are a Rajant reseller/partner, please enter your name.

The Network/Site name is the company name or some other distinguishing name for the location of a particular Rajant network.

If you don't know, input "unsure".

The Network/Site Contact is the primary person working with a particular Rajant network.

  • If you are an end user of Rajant's products, please input your name.

  • If you are a reseller/partner, please input a contact for the site (or "unsure" if you do not know who this is).

If you are trying to RMA an item then checking this box will display more fields that will speed up the RMA process.  You can leave box unchecked if you do not need an RMA.

  • If you are returning multiple items, please create a new ticket per item.  This will greatly increase the turn around time on the equipment.

  • Self run tests, the check boxes that will appear below represent tests you can run yourself.  Check the box if you have run the tests already